First Offense DUI/DWI Attorney in Kansas City, Missouri

Facing a charge for driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) for the first time is often overwhelming. A DUI/DWI charge can lead to numerous penalties, which can have significant impacts on your life. As an experienced DUI defense attorney, I aim to provide personalized representation to help my clients mount a strong defense.  

At Guilfoil Law Group, I have a deep understanding of Missouri's DUI laws and legal precedents, and I am committed to guiding you through the criminal justice process and working meticulously to help you advocate for a favorable resolution for your case. Based in Kansas City, Missouri, I proudly serve clients throughout Clay County, Platte County, and Jackson County.  

Understanding Missouri DUI/DWI Laws for First Offenders 

In Missouri, DUI offenses are commonly referred to as driving while intoxicated (DWI). If law enforcement catches you operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or higher, you can be charged with a DWI regardless of your apparent level of impairment.  

Additionally, operating a vehicle under the influence of certain scheduled drugs can also lead to a DWI charge. If this is your first time being charged with a DWI, you can potentially face serious penalties, which can vary based on the specifics of the offense, including your BAC level and any prior infractions.  

Charged with a DWI?


Penalties for a First Offense DUI/DWI 

Missouri law imposes significant consequences for a first-time DUI/DWI conviction, which can potentially impact various aspects of your life. The penalties often include the following: 

  • Fines: You may be subject to fines ranging from $500 to $1,000, in addition to any applicable court costs and fees. 

  • Driver’s license suspension: Your driver's license may be suspended for up to 90 days. Limited driving privileges might be available under certain conditions, but will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. 

  • Jail time: A first-time DUI/DWI conviction can result in a jail sentence ranging from 48 hours to six months. Alternative sentencing like community service may be available depending on the specifics of your case. 

  • Alcohol or substance abuse counseling: The court may mandate participation in a substance abuse treatment program, which provides education and counseling to address the underlying issues of impaired driving. 

If you are facing a first-time DUI/DWI charge, it is crucial to understand these penalties as you prepare for your legal defense. At Guilfoil Law Group, I will strive to help you explore your options and conduct an investigation into your arrest to find any procedural errors or violations that could weaken the case against you.  

Reach out to my firm today to schedule a free consultation and discuss the potential defense strategies we can use. 

Potential Defenses for a First-Time DUI/DWI Charge 

While confronting a DUI/DWI charge for the first time can be intimidating, there are several defense strategies I can often employ to help mitigate the charges. These include: 

  • Challenging the traffic stop: Police officers need reasonable suspicion to make a traffic stop. Without it, the evidence collected could be deemed inadmissible. 

  • Questioning field sobriety tests: These tests can be affected by factors such as medical conditions or poor instructions. Invalid or improperly administered tests can potentially be excluded from evidence. 

  • Examining breathalyzer test accuracy: Faulty equipment calibration or the presence of residual mouth alcohol can result in false positives. 

  • Investigating blood test handling: Errors in the collection, handling, or storage of blood samples can compromise test results. 

  • Medical conditions: Certain health conditions, such as acid reflux or diabetes, can mimic signs of intoxication or affect BAC levels, leading to false positives. 

  • Rising blood alcohol defense: Your BAC might have been below the legal limit while driving but increased by the time you were tested. This can be used to challenge the DUI/DWI charge. 

  • Inaccurate police conduct: If law enforcement violated your rights during the arrest process, such as failing to read your Miranda warning or conducting an illegal search, it could weaken the case against you and potentially lead to the dismissal of evidence. 

How Can My Firm Help? 

At Guilfoil Law Group, I treat every case with the utmost dignity and respect. My commitment is to help you uphold your rights and provide you with effective legal representation throughout your case. Every case I handle is unique, which is why I develop personalized defense strategies to help you formulate an effective defense.  

By working with my firm, I will strive to thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your arrest and identify any potential defenses that may apply in your case. As a skilled DUI/DWI defense attorney, I have the experience and knowledge you need to help you through the Missouri criminal justice system. 

First Offense DUI Attorney in Kansas City, Missouri

If you have been charged with a DUI/DWI for the first time, it's important to reach out to experienced legal counsel as soon as possible. Whether you aim to lessen the charges against you, work towards a case dismissal, or negotiate a plea deal, I will strive to use my knowledge of Missouri DUI/DWI law to help you fight for your rights. Contact me to schedule a free consultation and discuss your case.